
Our first company have been established since 1985 and name call Sek Yue Girdle Factory Limited. Over fourteen years of experience produce belts and exported all over the world. Now, our company extends a wide range of products. They are like all kinds of bags, fibre, sleeping bag, bedroom's collection, sofa cover, chair, coffee table, clothes hanger, etc.

Our manufacturing factories are situated in Quan Zhou and ShenZhen China. With factory's area over 125,000 square metres. Also over 200 employers were under our chedule timing and technology. In materials, we are using ton quality from all over the world.

Since 1985, our reference can be obtain from Nanyang Commercial Bank, Ltd in HK. High Qualities and friendly services are our top priorities to all customers. If you have any enquiry please feel free to contact us by send E-mail. Meantime, your samples or designs are cordially welcome. Or even our designer can supply some idea for you. Now, please take a brief look at our web site. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Factory Overview
Old Factory
Old Factory
New Factory
New Factory
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